Posted by: sdunnpastor | October 7, 2012


This blog has been discontinued.  You can continue to follow EVANGELISM TODAY at its new web address In a few days we will be deleting this blog altogether.

Posted by: sdunnpastor | March 31, 2012


Please note that we have a new web address for this blog and are no longer blogging at this one.  If you wish to continue receiving – please resubscribe or re-link or bookmark this new location. STILL EVANGELISM TODAY

Posted by: sdunnpastor | March 12, 2012


Posted by: sdunnpastor | March 12, 2012



Posted by: sdunnpastor | February 17, 2012


Jonathan Dodson » Mission Evangelism Gospel Counseling

Have you ever sat in a group discussion and found it incredibly difficult to get a good conversation going? I’ve found it can be very challenging to move conversations along, especially when you’re trying to go deep and get to the gospel. Here are a few principles that might help.

If you love, you will listen

In order to promote good gospel conversations in small group gatherings, it is important that everyone listens to one another’s story well. Don’t check out, criticize, or think about your own story. Listen to their story. In order to do this, everyone must ask questions of one another. If we love one another, we will learn to listen to one another’s stories over and over again.

Ask good questions

Our lives are continually changed through conflict, challenges, joys, relationships, and new experiences. Without asking good questions of one another, we can’t really share in deep community. Good questions help uncover the truth about how people are really doing and create the opportunity to share life and truth together. Ask questions and genuinely listen to one another’s stories. 

Most people don’t naturally know how to ask good questions. Just after college, I decided to start asking people specific questions because I wanted to be others-focused, not self-focused.

Learning to ask good questions may start as a discipline, but it can flower into a beautiful expression of love.

Here are a few examples of questions you can ask in a group or community discussion:

  •  When do you feel like that?
  •  Can you elaborate on that?
  •  How did that happen?
  •  How does that make you feel?
  •  Did you feel alone or supported?
  •  Were you afraid or confident?
  •  How did you respond?
  •  How are you feeling now?
  •  What concerns you Bthe most about this?


Listening is just one part of leading gospel conversations. The next post will explain more.


The basic three part structure of this series is adapted from David Powlison’s counseling mantra:

     1) Listen to Their Story

     2) Empathize with Their Story

     3) Redemptively Retell Their Story.


Posted by: sdunnpastor | February 12, 2012


From former commission member, Steve Oberman, comes this exciting report from the Broad Top region of our Eastern Regional Conference.  We would love to hear all of your stories.

The Broad Top Church of God stepped out in faith believing that God wanted to speak and move among brothers and sisters in the body of Christ from the Broad Top area. After faithful prayer by four people at the Broad Top Church of God, it was discerned that God was moving hearts to have services on January 29 through February 1. It was also discerned at that time that if God so moved, that additional nights would be added.

On January 29, 2012, Pastor Alfred Chamberlain from the Raystown Brethren Church brought God’s word. There were 85 people in attendance from many of the local churches. It was obvious from the start that God wanted to begin with the pastors. At the end of the service, six pastors went forward to the altar to ask God to do that deeper work of renewal within our lives.

On January 30, 2012, Pastor Jeff Musser from the Broad Top Church of God was called upon to bring God’s message to the body. There were 53 people in attendance from the local churches. God moved the hearts of several people to come and ask God to do a deeper work. Many of the folks who came to the altar expressed a desire to be free from unforgiveness, sadness, and disobedience. God was doing a mighty work in people’s hearts. Of note there was one lady who came to the altar and as she was praying, other ladies came forward to pray with her.

On January 31, 2012, Pastor Tim McIntyre from the Riddlesburg Church of the Brethren preached a faithful message of repentance and returning to God. At the end of the service, many hearts responded to coming to the altar to ask God to do a deeper work within their lives. There were no barriers, just simple obedience to God. There were 65 people in attendance.

On February 1, 2012, Pastor Richard Bair from the Six Mile Run Church of God ministered. The most awesome sight to witness was that of a teenage girl who came bounding down the aisle to the altar to make a commitment to Christ. She was followed by others as they prayerfully sought God in change and renewal. At the end of this service, it was obvious that most hearts had discerned that God wanted to minister at least one more night and six pastors gathered at the end of the service and to faithfully prayed and ask God to provide the name of the pastor who was to bring the word. Pastor Dean Thomas of the Safe Harbor Church was the minister that God was calling to preach. There were 97 people in attendance.

On February 2, 2012, Pastor Dean Thomas ministered to 67 people gathered together to seek God and to allow him to change us. At the end of the service, a young woman came forward to the altar to ask if she could stand in for her uncle Denny who needed a heart transplant. Six pastors and several ladies who are faithful prayer warriors came forward to agree with this young girl in her prayer request. It was also asked that if anyone in the congregation wanted to come forward to agree and to petition God for a miracle that they may do so. Almost the entire congregation came forward.

After a season of prayer for Denny, the altar was once again full as people came forward for spiritual, emotional, relational, and physical healing and testimonies. A lady who came forward on Monday evening testified that for several years she went to bed every night with migraine headaches, God met her at the altar on Monday evening and she has not had a migraine headache since. A council member from our church testified that someone told her that God had moved their heart to make a donation to the church because of a pressing need. That pressing need is obvious; Broad Top Church of God needs more space to minister to the community. This person gave a cash donation of $5000.00.

On Friday morning, February 3, 2012 I received a call at 7:30 AM and was told that Denny, whom we had prayed for a new heart transplant was in Hershey being prepared to receive a new heart. Since that time God has not only replaced his heart, but is giving him a miraculous recovery. Denny gives all praise to God.

During the last night of our revival services, I was approached by a gentleman, who told me that he and his wife had just moved to the area. He said they had been praying for years to see a move of God like he had experienced in our revival services. He told me that he had never seen pastors of different denominations move and minister in one accord like he did during the services. He said it was awesome to watch the love and the faithfulness that each pastor had for the body.

Our charge at this point, is to conform to the image of Christ under the unction of the Holy Spirit. I look forward to the many more miracles and testimonies that will come from this revival. It’s not over, it’s simply beginning.

Posted by: sdunnpastor | February 11, 2012


The Commission on Evangelism is sponsoring two training events in March 2012. You can register for both of these events by going to the Commission’s web site EVANGELISM PLUS or by calling Patty at 717-898-8144. Please note specific deadlines and costs.

‘HOW TO TEACH YOUR PEOPLE TO SHARE THEIR FAITH” Saturday, March 10, 2012                                                              9:00 am-1:00 pm                                                                       Landisville Church of God                                                                  171 Church Street, Landisville   PA

Pastors and other leaders/teaches can learn some basic understandings and simple methods to help their church members to be able to share their faith.  Taught by  Dr. Steve Dunn and one of our commission’s local church mentors.  Simple understandings and techniques to help overcome their reluctance in sharing their faith with non-Christians.  Cost is $10 per person. Register by March 5.  You can also register of FACEBOOK on the ERC Evangelism and Church Planting page.

BRIDGEBUILDERS SEMINAR                                                   9:00 am-3:30 pm                                                                                 Mt. Pleasant Church of God                                                            Dillsburg, Pa

How to Help Traditional Churches reach their unchurched neighbors.  This is is our first of two spring offerings and will be taught by Dr Steve Dunn.  Cost is $15 per person or $50 for a church registering four or more.  Deadline is March 25th.

Posted by: sdunnpastor | February 11, 2012


JP MorelandToday, we share the gospel as a means of addressing felt needs. We give testimonies of changed lives and say to people if they want to become better parents or overcome depression or loneliness, that Jesus is their answer. This approach to evangelism is inadequate for two reasons. First, it does not reach people who may be out of touch with their feelings. Second, it invites the response, “Sorry, I do not have a need.” Have you noticed how no one responded to Paul in this manner? In Acts 17-20, he based his preaching on the fact that the gospel is true and reasonable to believe. He reasoned and tried to persuade people to intelligently accept Jesus.  — J.P. Moreland

Lee Strobel_thumb[1]

I’ve seen far too many Christians who are more than willing to travel halfway around the world to volunteer for a week in an orphanage, but who cannot bring themselves to take the personal risk of sharing Jesus with the co-worker who sits day after day in the cubicle right next to them.

                                                                      – Lee Strobel

Alister McGrathFaith is not something that goes against the evidence, it goes beyond it. The evidence is saying to us, ‘There is another country. There is something beyond mere reason.  ― Alister McGrath

thanks to THE POACHED EGG for bringing these quotes to us.

Posted by: sdunnpastor | February 11, 2012


Sean McDowell has a blog site called conversantlife, focusing on apologetics, culture and youth.

Recently he shared this excellent post.

Ten Verses to Defend Your Faith

by Sean McDowell

keys to defendFor the past few days I have been trying to think of the top ten verses that would be most helpful to apologists and evangelists. I have reflected on my own experience and also gotten feedback from many of you on Facebook and Twitter. So, here are my top ten verses to defend your faith (in no particular order):

1 Peter 3:15: “but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;”   As an apologist you may find yourself having to defend the purpose of apologetics. This is the classic verse indicating that everyone is to be prepared to give an answer with gentleness and respect.

John 1:1-3: 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.”  This is one of the most compelling and clear articulations of the deity of Christ. It shows that Christ is the eternal creator and is one with (although distinct from) the Father.

Acts 5:3-4: “3 But Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back some of the price of the land? 4 While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not under your control? Why is it that you have conceived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God.” There is much confusion among Christians as well as groups such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses about the identity of the Holy Spirit. This passage shows the deity and personhood of the Holy Spirit…


Posted by: sdunnpastor | January 27, 2012


Greg Stier of DARE2SHARE, a ministry for training you evangelists, has something very provocative to say.  We would be interested in your responses – STEVE

5 Reasons We Need to Rebrand Evangelism
Greg Stier: “Sadly, the 2,000 year old practice of evangelism has 2,000 years worth of baggage that comes with it.”


Let’s play a word association game. When I use the word “evangelism” what comes to mind?

A bullhorn?

A “Repent” sign?

A pointed index finger (resulting in a flipped up middle finger)?

Too often, too many of us have negative views of the word evangelism. Sadly, the 2,000 year old practice of evangelism has 2,000 years worth of baggage that comes with it (i.e. the inquisition, burning heretics at the stake, Jim Jones, etc.) In the early church, the baggage was merely carry-on. But today, there is so much baggage associated with evangelism that we are forced to check it and tempted to chuck it.

But we shouldn’t. Jesus himself modeled the right brand of evangelism, which was equal parts awkward and awesome, drenched in both love and boldness. He commissioned his disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel to everyone. The baton of that responsibility has been passed from generation of believers to generation of believers, and it is now firmly in our hands. It’s our turn to run with it. But as we do, we should do it with an eye toward changing people’s perspective of evangelism from manipulative and obnoxious to patient, powerful, and persuasive.

Here are five reasons why we need to rebrand evangelism:

1. Evangelism literally means “to bring Good News.”

Christians are called to be the good news people, not the bad news bears. When we evangelize, we are to do it with a smile on our face and a twinkle in our eyes. It’s like getting the privilege of telling a friend that the Lotto ticket they had purchased was the big winner or sharing with a cancer-ridden family member that scientists have discovered the cure. Biblical evangelism reeks of breathless excitement and joy, not judgmental, frowny-faced coercion.

2. It has been typecast for “the professionals.”

Too often, we think of Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, Luis Palau, and other evangelists as the most qualified Christians to do the work of evangelism. But the rebranding of evangelism begins when it moves from the professionals to the people. When the gospel begins to spread like a contagion is, not just when another evangelistic festival comes to town, but when the everyday Joes and Jolenes take the good news to their family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and classmates.

To rebrand evangelism we must put the work squarely in the hands of “the average Christian.” In the words of Jim Groen, “The first reformation took place when the Word of God got into the hands of the common people. The second reformation will take place when the work of God gets into the hands of the common people.”  read the rest …

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